February 22, 2011

Anniversary of Elvis Presley's 1st hit on Billboard's top 10

On this day in 1956, Elvis Presley had his first Billboard top 10 hit with "Heartbreak Hotel."

The title song was written by Tommy Durden and Mae Boren Axton. It was released as a single on January 27, 1956. The song also became Presley's first million-seller, and the best-selling single of 1956. It was inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame in 1995 and in 2004 was named to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame's "500 Songs that Shaped Rock and Roll."

Enslow's biography of Elvis Presley, written by John Micklos, Jr., is written for the high school market.

February 20, 2011

National Eating Disorders Awareness Week: Feb 20-26, 2011

Investigating Eating Disorders, a book written by Marylou Ambrose and Veronica Deisler discusses the difference between bulimia, anorexia, and binge eating, and gives students a place to turn if they think they may have an eating disorder. This award-winning title is perfect for high school students.

For education packets, activity ideas and guides, as well as other articles and materials, go to http://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/ to find out more.

February 18, 2011

NY Mets David Wright Sure Bet for Opening Day

For many of us there's still snow covering the ground with no sign of spring but the New York Mets spring training got under way on Tuesday. There's still plenty of time and a lot can happen between now and Opening Day against the Marlins on April 1st but it's a pretty sure bet that David Wright will be in the lineup!

February 17, 2011

Science Books & Films awards

Six Enslow titles were recently awarded recognition by Science Books & Films. In the "Best Books for Children" category, Astonishing Ancient World Scientists was included.

Part of the Great Scientists and Famous Inventors series, this title includes information on eight scientists: Pythagoras, Hippocrates, Aristotle, Archimedes, Galen, Ptolemy, Zhang Heng, and al-Khwarizmi.

In the "Best Books for Junior High and High School Readers" category, five titeles were included.
Three of those titles are in the Investigating Diseases series. Investigating Depression and Bipolar Disorder discusses everything from the history of this disorder, to treatment options, and stories of real teens dealing with depression.
Investigating Diabetes answers teens' questions about the signs and symptoms, diagnostic tests, important prevention tips, and stories about real teens living with this disease.
Investigating Eating Disorders describes the difference between bulimia, anorexia, and binge eating.
In the Scientists Saving the Earth series, Who on Earth Is Rachel Carson? is another title to win this award. Called the mother of the environmental movement, Rachel Carson wrote The Silent Spring, which exposed the environmental harm done by pesticides and helped lead to restrictions on their use.
A title from the Score! Sports Science Projects series, Wheels! Science Projects with Bicycles, Skateboards, and Skates describes how bicycle gears work as well as teaches about the physics involved in favorite wheeled sports, whether it is cycling, skateboarding, or skating.

February 15, 2011

Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1

A preview shot  of Isle Esme from the upcoming film Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1 was released yesterday for Valentine's Day. The much anticipated film is due to open in theatres on November 18th.

Students will enjoy reading about author Stephenie Meyer in Enslow's book, Stephenie Meyer: Author of the Twilight Saga. You'll want to have this title ready on your library shelf in time for the release of the movie.

February 14, 2011

Free Valentine's Day craft

Fun Valentine's Day fact: Did you know that nearly one billion valentine cards are exchanged every year in the United States, Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom, France, and Australia?

Want to make a lacy heart card for your valentine?

What you will need:
white office paper
red office paper or construction paper
hole punch (optional)
white glue
markers or crayons

  1. Put a sheet of white paper and a sheet of red paper together. Fold the papers in half. Cut a half-heart shape. Unfold. You now have two paper hearts.
  2. Fold the white heart in half lengthwise. Cut designs along the edge. Cut small hearts, flowers, or other shapes in the paper. Use a hole punch to create designs if you wish.
  3. Glue the white heart to the red heart. Let dry.
  4. Use markers or crayons to write your special valentine message.
That's it! This craft can be found in Paper Crafts for Valentine's Day, part of Enslow's Paper Craft Fun for Holidays series, written by Randel McGee. This title is available in both a library binding and paperback.

Congratulations to the January 2011 raffle winner!

Congratulations to Marsha from Chatfield Public Schools in Minnesota for winning Enslow's drawing for free books!

February 11, 2011

Justin Bieber Biography

If you have a Justin Bieber fan in your house and even if you don't, you're probably aware that the Justin Bieber movie "Never Say Never" opens in theaters today. But did you know that Enslow has a new Justin Bieber book on our 2011 fall title list? Justin Bieber:Teen Music Superstar explores the singer's road to fame. This fun book offers juicy quotes, personal stories, and accessible features such as a timelime and glossary. This 48-page book for grades 5–9 will be part of our Hot Celebrity Biographies series perfect for your reluctant readers and will be availabe in both library binding and paperback.

February 10, 2011

It's Dental Health Month!

I know this is a stretch, but I had to blog about this upcoming Enslow title. I think the entire series is wonderful, but this book is the closest to the subject matter. It's called Don't Let the Barber Pull Your Teeth, and will be available in the fall of 2011.
It discusses how medicine was practiced in the Middle Ages, including how barbers were the ones who performed surgery, pulled teeth, set bones, stitched cuts, etc., because they were the ones who had sharp scissors and knives. Imagine that! Did barbers go to medical school? Of course not!
Another interesting tidbit about barbers: did you know that barber poles were used as advertisements for barbers? They would wrap bloody rags around the pole, or put a bowl of blood in the window. The barbers learned their craft from looking at books that contained diagrams of which veins to cut to heal each part of the body. It was thought that too much blood in one part of the body led to an imbalance. By draining blood from the sick part of the body, balance would be restored.
Great for reluctant readers, this series also includes Sweaty Suits of Armor, There's a Rat in My Soup, and Ye Castle Stinketh. Look for them this fall!

February 09, 2011

25th Annual Celebration of National Girls & Women in Sports Day

The National Association for Girls and Women in Sports celebrates the 25th annual National Girls & Women in Sports Day with this year's theme, "Play, Believe, Achieve."

To celebrate Enslow is featuring our Danica Patrick: Racing to History title from our Heroes of Racing series.

Millions of sports fans know the name Danica Patrick—even if they've never watched an indy car race before. As a female driver, Patrick has broken ground for her consistent performances behind the wheel. In 2008, she won the Indy Japan 300, becoming the first woman to win in an Indy Car race.

For grades 5–9, this 128-page book is perfect for reluctant readers.

February 08, 2011

Many Not Ready for College

This article, Most New York Students Not College-Ready in yesterday's paper caught my eye. Last year Enslow put together a list of remedial books intended for use by college freshman that several community colleges have found very helpful. If you think this list may be helpful to your college or students, please email us and we will be happy to provide you with a list of Enslow books that are being used by those students struggling with their transition from high school to college.

Happy Birthday, Mr. President

February is the month our nation celebrates the birthdays of two presidents: Abraham Lincoln and George Washington. Both iconic leaders loom large in schools' American history curricula. For teachers, one challenge has been to place these figures in context without trivializing their significance or overwhelming students with unmanageable detail.

Books from Enslow's intriguing American history series "What Would You Do?" provides solution for that pedagogical dilemma. Author Elaine Landau's six-title series is structured to foster a variety of teaching needs, including small group exploration, whole group activity, or individual work. Each book's 48-page length, excellent illustrations, and Guided Reading Level "O" content helps create the conditions for a successful reading experience. Landau also combines speculative opportunities for students within her narrative to encourage critical thinking development. Free, downloadable teacher's guides, which includes activities in all curricular areas, are available for all books in this series.

The Emancipation Proclamation: Would You Do What Lincoln Did? drives readers to consider the Union's situation and Lincoln's options as he considered this freedom-giving declaration. George Washington Crosses the Delaware: Would You Risk the Revolution? presents the historical moment and decisions Washington faced to maintain the struggle for American independence. Both books are available in paperback from Enslow Classroom for $7.95 per title. Library-bound editions for these titles are also available.

February 04, 2011

Joke Day Friday!

Today's jokes are going to center around football. Taken from Sports Jokes to Tickle Your Funny Bone, this title is now available!

Which football game do cats like to watch? The Goldfish Bowl.

Fun Fact: In the National Football League, teams play for the championship in the Super Bowl. In Canada, the championship game is called the Grey Cup. There are some differences between the games in the United States and Canada. The playing field in Canada is larger. It is 110 yards long. In the United States, the difference between the end zones is 100 yards. In order to get a first down, teams in the United States have four tries, while teams in Canada have three tries.

Fun Fact: The Heisman Trophy goes to the top college football player every year. The only player to win the award twice was Archie Griffin of Ohio State University. He won it in both 1974 and 1975. Eight Heisman Trophy winners were good enough to be voted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame. They are Marcus Allen, Earl Campbell, Tony Dorsett, Paul Hornung, Barry Sanders, O. J. Simpson, Roger Staubach, and Doak Walker.

February 03, 2011

Free Chinese New Year Craft

According to the Chinese calendar, today marks the start of the Year of the Rabbit. Do you know why people wear red, why children receive money in red envelopes, or why some people paint the doors to their houses red? Red is a color that is supposed to scare away bad luck and bring good luck. This and many other interesting facts about Chinese New Year along with fun counting exercises are included in our title Chinese New Year: Count and Celebrate for grades 1–3.

If you're looking for a fun craft to celebrate the New Year, here's instructions on how to make a Dragon Streamer Puppet from our Chinese New Year Crafts book.

What you will need:
  • construction paper
  • bright fluffy feathers or bright tissue paper
  • crepe paper in bright colors
  • scissors
  • glue
  • wiggle eyes
1. Pick a piece of construction paper in a bright color. Fold the paper in half. Cut the corners opposite the
    fold to make them round. This is the dragon's head.

2. To make the dragon's mane, glue fluffy feathers along the folded edge or use fringed tissue paper. Cut   
    construction paper about 2 inches wide and about the same width of the dragon's head. Cut long, curving
    points to look like eyebrows. Glue in place to cover the ends of the feathers.

3. Cut two half-circles of paper for the eyes. Glue wiggle eyes to the half-circles. Glue some feather fluff to
    the backs of the eyes to make eyelashes. Glue the eyes below the eyebrows. Cut two shapes for nostrils.
    Glue in place.

4. For the dragon's whiskers, glue narrow feathers behind the nostrils. Cut six strips of crepe paper about 3
    feet long. Glue to the underside near the folded edge, overlapping the strips. Cut a strip of paper about 1
    inch wide and about the width of the head. Fold 1 inch under on either end. Glue the folded tabs to the
    underside of the head and let dry. This is the handle for your puppet. Glue long strips of tissue paper under
    the bottom "lip" of the dragon to form the dragon's beard.

5. Let everything dry completely. When the puppet is ready, hold it by the handle and make it dance around!

February 02, 2011

On this day in 1863, who used a pseudonym for the first time?

Samuel Langhorne Clemens (better known as Mark Twain) used that name as a pen name for the first time.

According to Mark Twain: Banned, Challenged, and Censored, the phrase mark twain is a riverboat term for two fathoms, or twelve feet. It was used to denote the line between safe and dangerous waters.

In this book, written by Michelle M. Houle, she discusses Twain's life and times, analyzes two of his best-known books, and explores both sides of the argument over censorship. She helps readers decide for themselves about whether Twain's books should be banned.

February 01, 2011

Valentine's Day for Pre-K

With Valentine's Day less than two weeks away, young children are curious about the holiday, its symbols, and its sentiments. The event offers teachers, parents, and librarians with a wonderful opportunity to connect children with suitable books about the day.

One title that's especially useful for read aloud sessions, group activities, or parent-child reading is Enslow Publishers' Valentine's Day. Author Dorothy Goeller's 24-page title, intended for pre-K aged children, effectively combines sight words and full-page color photos to produce a rich, enjoyable reading journey. The book's 6" x 7" trim size and large type size helps make Valentine's Day accessible to a young, emerging reader. Enslow also provides a free, downloadable teacher's guide for the title, with fun, yet pedagogically sensible activities available for all five principal curricular areas.

Visit Enslow Classroom for more information and immediate ordering of the $6.95 paperback version of Valentine's Day, or other books in Enslow's "All About Holidays" series. A library-bound version of each holiday book is also available.

January 27, 2011

Interested in getting an unusual pet?

How about a ferret, a hairless cat, a hermit crab, a hissing cockroach, an iguana, or a potbellied pig! Enslow's new elementary series, Far-Out and Unusual Pets, covers all of these animals. Each 48 page book, written by Alvin and Virginia Silverstein and Laura Silverstein Nunn, covers the feeding and care of these unusual pets.

With plans on adding to this series in the future, check out the six that are currently available!

January 26, 2011

Fun Facts about Scarlett Johannson

  • Did you know she is a twin? She has a twin brother, Hunter.
  • Her family lived in New York City when she was growing up?
  • She studied method acting at the Lee Strasberg Theater Institute for Young People?
  • In the movie Manny and Lo, Scarlett's parents, sister Vanessa, and brother Hunter all had small parts, however Scarlett was a co-star
  • In which movie did she do voice over work? The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie
Interested in reading more about her? Click here.

January 25, 2011

Kevin Garnett Bowling for Charity

Boston Celtics star Kevin Garnett ("KG") has earned a good reputation for his charitable interests off the court as well as his strong play on the court. His most recent endeavor was participating in a charity bowling event to rasie money for "The Truth Fund" and "The Truth on Health" information campaign. Both initiatives, targeted to reach underprivileged kids, are spearheaded by Garnett's teammate Paul Pierce.

Read more about KG's longstanding interest in "giving back" in Enslow Publishers's Kevin Garnett: All-Star On and Off the Court. Author J. Chris Roselius' attractively designed, 128-page biography neatly illuminates Garnett's early years, his rise to stardom, and selected charitable activities. An excellent choice for character education and African-American biography collections, this Guided Reading Level "V" title is available in paperback for $9.95 or in a library-bound edition.

A free, downloadable teacher's guide, including curriculum-specific activities, is also available for the book.

Kevin Garnett: All-Star On and Off the Court is part of Enslow's nine-book "Sports Stars with Heart" series, which focuses on professional athletes in basketball, baseball, and football.

January 24, 2011

No Name-Calling Week Starts Today

No Name-Calling Week is being celebrated January 24th - 28th this year. It sounds like a good initiative for schools to support. You can find more information and great resources on their very informative website. If your school is celebrating we would love to hear about it!

Enslow's title for grades 6–up, Bullying: How to Deal with Taunting, Teasing, and Tormenting, published in 2005 continues to be a popular-selling title. With anti-bullying programs gaining more and more popularity, this title serves as a great tie-in and supplemental reading for students.

January 21, 2011

Two Enslow Titles Selected for 2011 Amelia Bloomer List

The Amelia Bloomer Project "honors strong, powerful girls and the books that inspire them."
Enslow is proud to have two exciting titles selected for their 2011 Amelia Bloomer List.

Ellen Ochoa: Astronaut and Inventor by Anne Schraff for Grades 6–up (128 pages)

Sandra Cisneros: Inspiring Latina Author by Karen Clemens Warrick for Grades 6–up (128 pages)

For a full list of all the titles selected click here.

January 20, 2011

Interested in science books that cover topics about the environment and green technology?

Look no further than Enslow's Team Green Science Projects. Using the scientific method, middle school readers will engage in experiments from life, physical, and earth science while learning what they can do to go green. With a lifetime achievement award for his science writing, Robert Gardner presents great ideas for winning science fair projects.

Using the scientific method, perform hands-on experiments that explain the properties of air, how to conserve energy while heating and cooling air, and how to reduce air pollution.

Earth Cycle's informative text is paired with hands-on science projects using the scientific method that show readers how their actions effect the environment and its natural cycles.

Energy will answer the following questions: What material best absorbs solar energy? How can wind and water be used to create energy? How does insulation affect heat flow? Use easy-to-find materials and the scientific method to explore green energy.

In Recycle, author Robert Gardner guides young readers through many experiments that show readers how waste harms the environment and how to limit their impact.

What is soil? How do plants grow in soil? How is contaminated soil cleaned? Using the scientific method, readers will explore Earth's soil and learn how to protect it.

Protect Earth's water! Water is essential for life, so it is essential we protect this important resource. Using the scientific method, the properties of water, the water cycle, and how to conserve water will be explained.

January 19, 2011

Today would have been Janis Joplin's birthday

Had this legendary singer lived, she would have turned 68 today.

Her powerful and soulful voice blazed a trail for other female rockers. Born in Port Arthur, Texas, Janis found her place in life was onstage. She sang with Big Brother and the Holding Company, a band from San Francisco. She became a household name after the Monterey Pop Festival.

Despite her early death, her accomplishments and influence are felt throughout the music industry today. She continues to be an inspiration to musicians everywhere.

January 18, 2011

International Holocaust Remembrance Day

In 2005, the UN General Assembly designated January 27th as International Holocaust Remembrance Day. The date corresponds with the anniversary of the Soviet army's liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp complex in 1945.

The anniversary presents teachers with an opportunity to focus a lesson on the Holocaust, its causes, and its pertinence to contemporary affairs. Enslow Publishers' excellent new Holocaust series -- "True Stories of Teens in the Holocaust" -- provides revealing primary souce material that's woven into clear, well-written narratives. The teen voices emerging from these texts deliver powerful, personal testimony about the Holocaust and its impact on young and old alike.

Enslow also offers biographies of people who defied Nazi racism and hatred. One of those figures was Jesse Owens, the African-American track star whose 1936 Berlin Olympics victories were widely viewed as a triumph over Nazism's racist ideology. Enslow's new biography of Owens, written by NAACP Image Award nominee Jeff Burlingame, explores the athlete's participation in the Olympics, as well as Owens' legacy on and off the track.

Add these and other content-rich Enslow titles to your library's collection today!

January 17, 2011

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

The idea for a federal holiday in King's honor began soon after he was assassinated in 1968. Ronald Reagan signed the holiday into law in 1983, but it wasn't observed until January 20, 1986. At first, some states resisted observing the holiday but it was officially observed in all 50 states for the first time in 2000.

Enslow has two titles to help schools and libraries celebrate this holiday. Our
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Revised and Updated explains the origin of the holiday and how it is celebrated.

Count your way through Martin Luther King, Jr. Day by using our Martin Luther King, Jr., Day–Count and Celebrate title.

Students will enjoy fun ways to practice counting with this title and others in our Holidays–Count and Celebrate! series.

January 14, 2011

Today is Friday so it's Joke Book day!

From the Food Jokes to Tickle Your Funny Bone book:

What's worse than finding a worm in your apple? Finding half a worm!

Here's a fact from the book: Did you know that the color of the yolk depends on what the hen eats? Egg yolks can vary in color from deep yellow to almost colorless.

This title is part of Enslow Elementary's Spring 2011 list. Interested in learning more? Click here.

January 13, 2011

Another event in history

In 1968, Johnny Cash recorded a live concert at Folsom Prison in California. When he took the stage, he solidified the public's perception of him as a rebel who followed his own path.

Part of the American Rebels series, Johnny Cash: "The Man in Black" talks about his growing up in poverty in Arkansas, the death of his older brother, his difficult relationship with his father, and more. Written for high school students, this biography will keep Johnny Cash fans reading!

January 12, 2011

On this day in 1969

Led Zeppelin's self-titled first album was released.

Formed in Britain as The New Yardbirds in the late 1960s, Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, John Bonham, and John Paul Jones soon changed their band's name to Led Zeppelin. With their bluesy rock 'n' roll songs and rousing lyrics, they became one of the greatest rock bands of all time.
Interested in learning more about this band? Enslow has both library and paperback versions of Led Zeppelin: Legendary Rock Band, written for the middle school reader.

January 11, 2011

Baby Snow Animals

January snowstorms, a common occurance in many regions of the United States, present opportunities to raise a child's awareness of the interaction between the natural world and climate. To support this educational approach, teachers and parents can use Enslow Publishers' Baby Snow Animals. The title, included in the "All About Baby Animals" series, invites emerging readers to delightfully discover young animals who live in charactertistically wintry conditions. Author Jane Katirgis' 24-page book provides a thoughtfully chosen combination of sight words and associated, full-color photographs that children can enjoy. Instructors will welcome Baby Snow Animals' teacher's guide, which includes useful class activities suitable for the book's Guided Reading Level "B" text and pre-K to grade one interest level.

The teacher's guide is available as a free downloadable document. Baby Snow Animals is available in paperback for $6.95; a library-bound version is also available.

January 10, 2011

New Series: Which Animal is Which?

Some animals are easily confused. In our new series Which Animal is Which? students can join in solving the guessing game of which animal is which. These titles support the K–4 National Science Education Standards Science for Science as Inquiry. Titles in the series include:

Is it an Alligator or Crocodile? Readers may be surprised to learn just how different these two animals are.

 Is it a Butterfly or Moth? What's the difference? Students will learn to indentify these animals using critical thinking skills.

Is it a Frog or Toad? One is thin and the other is fat. Readers will learn which is which.

Is it an Insect or Spider? scurrying across the floor? By taking a closer look at bugs, readers will be able to tell the difference.

One has wet skin and the other has dry skin. So is it a Salamander or Lizard? Readers will find plenty of tips for telling a salamander from lizard.

They both live in the ocean. They are both large, gray, and eat fish. Is it a Shark or Dolphin? Author Melissa Stewart's text paired with stunning underwater photography shows readers just how different these two animals really are.

Young readers love books about animals and we guarantee these will fly off the library shelf. These easy-to-read titles are great for improving critical thinking skills through comparing, contrasting, indentifying, and observing. Superb full-page color, side-by-side photos appear on every spread so that readers can visually compare the animals' differences.

January 07, 2011

Happy Friday! Another joke from Enslow's Funny Bone Jokes series

Last week we started off the New Year with a joke from Ha-Ha Holiday Jokes to Tickle Your Funny Bone. Today it will be from Animal Jokes to Tickle Your Funny Bone.

What do you call a crazy chicken? A cuckoo cluck.

Here's a fast fact about chickens: did you know that there are more chickens on earth than there are humans? China has the most people in the world and also the most chickens. There are more than 3 billion chickens in China! The United States has only 450 million chickens.

Why did I pick chickens to write about? I don't know. Just thought it would be interesting to see what kind of jokes can be written about chickens, I guess.

This joke book includes chapters on jokes about cats, dogs, birds, ocean animals, chickens, jungle animals, farm animals, snakes, insects, and bears. It also includes an activity to write your own joke book.

posted by Pam

Enslow author Linda Bozzo and search and rescue book featured in newspaper article

Linda Bozzo, an Enslow author, was featured in an article in the New Jersey Herald.

After interviewing a police officer, Linda wrote Search and Rescue Dog Heroes, using that interview with Lt. Ellicott in the book. Both Blaze, Lt. Ellicott's current canine partner, and Radar, his former canine partner, are discussed in the book, along with descriptions of their job responsibilities.

To read the article, click here.

January 06, 2011

Congratulations to Enslow author Ed Sobey!

Ed Sobey, author of the upcoming Cool Science Projects with Technology series for Enslow, was recently given an appointment as Fulbright Scholar Specialist in Science Education.

Mr. Sobey has written two Science Fair Success titles for Enslow in addition to the four Cool Science Projects with Technology titles, scheduled to be published this spring.

Those four titles are: Electric Motor Experiments, Radio-Controlled Car Experiments, Robot Experiments, and Solar Cell and Renewable Energy Experiments.

Congratulations to our newest raffle winner!

Diana Booth from the Fort Frye Local School District in Ohio recently won our monthly raffle of $100 in free books!


January 04, 2011

Snowmobilers Warm Up to Record Snowfalls

For the past month, snowbirds have cheered the record snowfalls across the United States. Over seventeen feet of snow has fallen in sections of California's Sierra Nevada mountain range. Central New York's "lake effect" snow belt recorded snowfalls of 70-plus inches in December. Thanks to a surfeit of snow, slopes from New England to the Rockies are having a strong season.

All that snow has encouraged snowmobile enthusiasts to enjoy the great outdoors in their machines. Young readers curious about this popular winter activity can learn more when they read Enslow Publishers' Snowmobile Racers. Author Bob Woods' 48-page book, part of Enslow's "Kid Racers" series, provides a delightful introduction to snowmobiling's challenges and excitement. The work's design, combining engaging "pull-outs," dynamic photographs, and a well-written narrative, draws enthusiastic and reluctant readers to enjoy this curriculum leveled, Guided Reading Level "S" title. Instructors and classroom paraprofessionals also benefit from using the book's free, downloadable teacher's guide.

A paperback edition of Snowmobile Racers is available via Enslow Classroom for $7.95; a library-bound version is also available through http://www.enslow.com/.