978-0-7660-3830-1 Library
978-1-59845-300-3 Paperback |
What do Kobe Bryant and STEM Friday have in common? Well, it's Kobe's birthday today so in celebration of that we are going to mention two Kobe biographies, as well as a science book about the physics of sports.
The first biography is written for the elementary market.
Read About Kobe Bryant, part of the
I Like Sports Stars! series, is a photo-essay great for the emergent reader. This title has been correlated to the Common Core standards. Other athletes covered in this series are Alex Rodriguez, Carmelo Anthony, Derek Jeter, Drew Brees, and Eli Manning.
978-0-7660-4029-8 Library
978-1-4644-0161-9 Paperback |
Kobe Bryant: Champion Basketball Star is written for the middle school reader and is part of the
Sports Star Champions series. The author highlights the career of this basketball star, and this book has also been correlated to the Common Core standards. Other athletes included in this series are Alex Rodriguez, Derek Jeter, Kevin Garnett, Peyton Manning, and Tim Duncan.
978-0-7660-4146-2 Library 978-1-4644-0222-7 Paperback |
Science plays a role in sports. Newton's First Law of Motion is used when dribbling a basketball. How is science used when making shots at the basketball hoop?
The Physics of Sports Science Projects gives the reader step-by-step instructions on how physics is used in sports. This title has been correlated to the Common Core standards. Part of the
Exploring Hands-On Science Projects, other topics covered in the series are plants, sound, solids, liquids, gases, toys, games, and magic.
All of these titles are available from your preferred vendor, enslow.com, your independent bookstore, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble.