For those that are cat lovers, have you ever heard of the Neva Masquerade? The FIFe (Fédération International Féline) considers this as part of the same breed as the colorpoint Siberian, and not in its own category. How about the Sokoke? This cat is found in the Arabuko-Sokoke rain forest in Kenya.
Have you ever heard of the Polish Tatra Shepherd? This white shepherd breed is closely related to the Great Pyrenees. How about the Entlebuch Cattle Dog and Appenzell Cattle Dog? These breeds were named after their places of origin in Switzerland. Read about a lot more of these lesser known breeds in the Dogs book.
The Horse title goes into detail about a lot of lesser known breeds of horses usually found in the United States. Does the breed Akhal-Teke sound familiar? Thought to be one of the oldest horse breeds in the world, the origin of this breed is from Central Asia. The Berber originated in North Africa. There are only a few purebred Berbers left. Many Berbers have been crossbred with Arabians.
All of these titles are available from your preferred vendor, enslow.com, local bookstores, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble. They are available in both library and paperback editions.