Super Silly Science Jokes, a series written for the upper elementary reader, has six titles. Q: Why did Benjamin Franklin fly a kite in 1752? A: The idea that lightning was a giant electric spark had him all charged up. Find this joke, as well as scientific information about electricity and magnetism in Shockingly Silly Jokes About Electricity and Magnetism.
Other titles in the series include rocks, minerals, and soil; wacky weather and silly season; the solar system; dinosaurs and prehistoric life; and spiders and other bugs.
Containing fun illustrations by Gerald Kelley, these books will keep students entertained as well as teach them about different aspects of science. Interested in writing your own jokes? These titles help with suggestions on how to do so.
These titles are available in library and paperback editions from your preferred vendor,, independent bookstores, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble. They are also available as epubs and single-user and multi-user PDFs.