January 08, 2014

Horses that Help in January 2014 Horse News

Loren Spiotta-DiMare's new four book series, Horses That Help with the American Human Association, has received a great write up in this month's Horse News.  The article has an provides an in-depth view of Loren's experience writing the series and talks about many of the working horses and their trainers that appear in each of the 4 titles. The article appears on page 19 of the January 2014 Horse News.

Titles in the Horses That Help with the American Humane Association series are available in Library, Paperback, and eBook editions.  Please visit Enslow.com for more information.

The Case of Flesh-Eating Bacteria

Recommended LMC review of Body System Disease Investigations starring super sleuth Annie Biotica. "With its colorful, concise fomrat, this series is as delightful as gross body books come." says Library Media Connection (Aut/Sept 2013) reviewer Jenny Gapp. In this series written by Michell Faulk, PhD, our hero has to solve five medical mystery cases. Readers will love the 'You solve the case' which will involve students in the medical science of each case.  Perfect for Science Friday and Common Core Nonfiction Reading.  Visit Enslow.com for more information.  #science #STEM #CommonCore

January 07, 2014

The Civil War Through Primary Sources review

Nice LMC review of new series: 'The Civil War through Primary Sources, by author Carin T. Ford.  "The books contain photographs, pictures, maps, and various documents, which help the reader become immersed in the time period."  Library Media Connections review Nov/Dec 2013.  Four books in the series. Visit our Web site Enslow.com for more information and Common Core Connections.

January 06, 2014

Pop-Tastic Popcorn Recipe!

Great Booklist review (11/1/13) of Professor Cook's... series:  "...kid-friendly recipes with scientific explanations and jazzy graphics..." Here is the recipe for:

'Pop-Tastic Popcorn':
1. Place 2 tbsp corn oil in medium-sized saucepan until oil is hot, but not smoking.
2. Add 2-1/2 oz popcorn kernels and stir. Cover with lid, and place over high heat. Hold the top on!
3. In a separate pan, melt 1 tbsp salted butter until foaming, then add 1 crushed clove garlic, 1 tsp curry powder, 1/2 tsp mild chili powder and stir for 30 seconds.
4. Add the popped corn to the butter mixture and stir well.
Place in bowl, sprinkle with salt.
(The Science Bit (with each recipe!): When heated the trapped moisture in the corn kernel expands and turns to steam. The buildup of steam is so intense that it bursts through the hard outer shell and the starch inside the kernel explodes, literally turning it inside out.  Enslow Publishers, Inc. Visit this link for Common Core connections: http://tiny.cc/a6o98w

January 03, 2014

How Can You Sooth a Sore Throat?

How Can You Sooth a Sore Throat? It's that time of the year: sore throat season.  Authors Alvin and Virginia Silverstein and Laura Silverstein Nunn explain all you need to know in their new series Handy Health Guides. In Handy Health Guides to Sore Throats they explain how to avoid getting a sore throat and what you can do to feel better if you get one. They recommend that if you have a sore throat that you try to keep your throat moist by running a humidifier, sucking on hard candy or throat lozenges, and drinking plenty of fluids. Visit the series page to find Common Core connections. Enslow Publishers, Inc.

BookLinks Review of What Are Forces and Motion?

Nice review in BookLinks (November 2013) of Richard and Louise Spilsbury's book What Are Forces and Motions? "Diagrams and photos of children performing the experiments aid comprehension and the scientific process." View In Touch with Basic Science series page on our website for Common Core Connections. Enslow Publishers, Inc.

New 2014 series on Insects!

Zoom In on Insects is written for the beginning reader. Each of the 6 titles covers a different insect. Color photographs show the insects in their habitat, as well as up close images of the insect's features. Written by Melissa Stewart, these books are sure to please the young insect lover!

Available in library, paperback, and e-book formats, these books can be found at your preferred vendor, local bookstores, enslow.com, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble.

Snow Day in the Northeast!

First Snow of 2014! A shot of the Enslow Publishers front door. 

January 02, 2014

LMC Review: American Revolution through Primary Sources

Great Review in Library Media Connection of  The American Revolution through Primary Sources, written by John Micklos, Jr.  The LMC review appears in the Nov/Dec 2013 issue: "...high interest overview...kid-friendly...appealing format...use these readable volumes to teach Common Core Standards."  Description from the web site: The primary source documents and interior illustrations in these books help make the Revolutionary War come to life. Written for the secondary-level reader, the major issues, events, and people of that time period are introduced. To discover why this war was fought, the activities and contributions of women and children, American Indians, and African-Americans are discussed. There are six books in this series.  Available in Library Edition, Paperback, Multi-user eBook.

Students' New Year's Resolutions and saving money

For the middle grade student, the Be Smart About Money and Financial Literacy series helps students develop the skill and strategies needed for financial planning, savings, and investment. This six-book series also contains math and financial literacy questions at the end of each chapter, helping students to see how financial planning will make their lives easier in the long run.

Topics covered include credit, investing, money, shopping, careers, and the student's future. This series will be correlated to the Common Core, and are available in library, paperback, and eBook formats.

These titles are available from your preferred vendor, your local independent bookstore, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and enslow.com.

December 22, 2013

Happy Holidays from Enslow Publishers!

Enslow Publishers would like to wish everyone a happy holiday. Our office will be closed Wednesday, December 25, through Friday, December 27. We will reopen on Monday, December 30.

December 20, 2013

Curious about who invented windshield wipers?

Mary Anderson, the inventor of windshield wipers, is portrayed in this new spring 204 title for elementary students. Written by Sara Latta, this title is one in a new series called Inventors at Work!.

Other titles in this series focus on chocolate chip cookies, an air conditioner inventor, the microwave, and Scuba gear.

All of these titles will be correlated to the Common Core and are available from your preferred vendor, independent bookstore, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and enslow.com. They are available in library, paperback, and eBook formats.

December 13, 2013

Happy Birthday Taylor Swift

978-0-7660-3870-7 Library
978-1-59845-286-0 Paperback
Enslow's biography, written for the middle school student, offers personal stories, quotes, as well as a timeline of Taylor Swift's life and success. Written by award-winning author Jeff Burlingame, this title gives insight into Taylor's life for her fans.

The Hot Celebrity Biographies series is also correlated to the Common Core. These titles are available in library, paperback, and eBook formats, and is available from your preferred vendor, local independent bookstore, enslow.com, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble.

December 06, 2013

Congratulations to November's book raffle winner!

Congratulations to Blue Ridge Middle School in Arizona for winning our monthly book raffle!

December 03, 2013

Looking for inventor biographies for different grade levels?

Genius Inventors and Their Great Ideas is written for the upper elementary reader, while Genius at Work! Great Inventor Biographies is geared toward the middle school reader.

The seven titles in Genius Inventors and Their Great Ideas cover Philo T. Farnsworth (TV,) George Ferris (Ferris wheel,) Stephanie Kwolek (Kevlar,) Theodore H. Maiman (laser,) James Naismith (basketball,) Les Paul (electric guitar,) and Vivien Thomas (cardiac surgery.) All of these titles are correlated to the Common Core, and are available in library, paperback, and eBook formats.

The Genius at Work! Great Inventor Biographies series contains six titles, each of which is also correlated to the Common Core. George Ferris, Theodore H. Maiman, and Les Paul are also in this series, with the addition of Thomas Gallaudet (sign language,) Igor Sikorsky (helicopter,) and Madam C.J. Walker (hair care products.) These titles are available as library-bound books.

All of the above titles can be found at your local independent bookstore, your preferred vendor, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and enslow.com.

November 27, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving from Enslow Publishers!

We would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and a Happy Hanukkah!

From Enslow's Corny Thanksgiving Jokes to Tickle Your Funny Bone:

Why should you never talk like a turkey?
Because it's rude to use fowl language.

What do you get when two peas fight?
Black-eyed peas.

Our office will be closed on Thursday and Friday, and will reopen on Monday!

November 22, 2013

Hunger Games: Catching Fire opens tonight

The second installment of the Hunger Games franchise opens tonight. With Jennifer Lawrence playing Katniss Everdeen and Josh Hutcherson as Peeta Mellark, this movie is based on the 2009 science fiction young adult novel written by Suzanne Collins. This sequel continues the story of Katniss Everdeen and the post-apocalyptic nation of Panem.

Both Jennifer and Josh are featured in Enslow's Sizzling Celebrities series. Written for the upper elementary and middle school market, these 48-page titles have been aligned with the College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards and are available in library, paperback, and eBook formats.

November 21, 2013

Score with Sports Math

This six book series shows upper elementary readers how math is used in sports. General rules and facts about the sport opens each chapter and is followed by sample math problems showing how math is used in the sport.

Written by Stuart A.P. Murray, each 48-page book covers a different sport (baseball, basketball, football, race car, soccer, and track and field). Your readers will learn about some of the history behind these sports, as well as practice doing some math!

The Score with Sports Math series is available in library, paperback, and eBook options. This series is currently being matched up with the Common Core anchor standards, and this information will be added to our website when available.

November 13, 2013

Upcoming Book Fairs

The Miami Book Fair International will take place from November 17 through the 24th.

During Street Fair weekend, which is from the 22nd to the 24th, more than 250 publishers and booksellers exhibit and sell books.

Friday the 22nd is the Festival of Authors with more than 350 authors reading and discussing their work. There are also Children's Alley activities, which include theater, arts-and-crafts, storytelling, and readings by children's book authors.

The Kentucky Book Fair is Friday and Saturday, the 15th and 16th. Children's Day is the 15th and the book fair is the 16th.

Congratulations to our October 2013 raffle winner!

Congratulations to Jacks Valley Elementary School in Nevada for winning our October raffle!