'Pop-Tastic Popcorn':
1. Place 2 tbsp corn oil in medium-sized saucepan until oil is hot, but not smoking.
2. Add 2-1/2 oz popcorn kernels and stir. Cover with lid, and place over high heat. Hold the top on!
3. In a separate pan, melt 1 tbsp salted butter until foaming, then add 1 crushed clove garlic, 1 tsp curry powder, 1/2 tsp mild chili powder and stir for 30 seconds.
4. Add the popped corn to the butter mixture and stir well.
Place in bowl, sprinkle with salt.
(The Science Bit (with each recipe!): When heated the trapped moisture in the corn kernel expands and turns to steam. The buildup of steam is so intense that it bursts through the hard outer shell and the starch inside the kernel explodes, literally turning it inside out. Enslow Publishers, Inc. Visit this link for Common Core connections: http://tiny.cc/a6o98w