February 19, 2010
Today is Amy Tan's Birthday!
Have you ever read The Joy Luck Club? Take a look at Enslow's reader's guide for that book: http://www.enslow.com/displayitem.asp?type=1&item=2293
Shaun White wins Olympic gold in Vancouver

To see more titles in the Hot Celebrity Biographies series, http://www.enslow.com/catalog.asp?exact=true&SeriesID=270
This title is also available in paperback http://www.enslow.com/displayitem.asp?type=1&item=2729
February 11, 2010
Michelle Obama's War on Obesity

Enslow Contact:
Lisa Corrado
Phone: 908-771-9400 Ext 481
Email: lisac@enslow.com
Robert Gardner Wins Lifetime Achievement Award: Hands-On Science Writing
Berkeley Heights, NJ (2/11/10) – Enslow Publishers, Inc., is proud to announce that author Robert Gardner is the recipient of the Science Books and Films (SB&F) 2010 prize for Excellence in Science Books, a Lifetime Achievement Award: Hands-On Science Writing. Mr. Gardner will be honored at the American Association for the Advancement of Science’s (AAAS) annual meeting this February in San Diego.
Robert Gardner is an accomplished, award-winning author of science books for young readers. Mr. Gardner attended Wesleyan University where he majored in biology and did his graduate work while attending Trinity College. He later became a teacher of biology, chemistry, and physics. With a love for both science and writing, Mr. Gardner continued his career in the education field for many years while writing part-time. In 1989, Mr. Gardner retired from teaching to pursue a career as a full-time writer.
Over the course of many years, Mr. Gardner has written over 100 science books for Enslow Publishers, Inc., many of them receiving prestigious awards. "Bob's books were the first I worked on when I was a new editor here at Enslow," recalls senior science editor Jane Katirgis. "I remember thinking what a gift he had to so clearly explain basic science to young readers. Bob is the ultimate professional and I have been lucky to work with him for the last twelve years. I've learned so much from him! This award is very well-deserved."
Most recently, Mr. Gardner authored Enslow’s new science series for 2010, Who Dunnit? Forensic Science Experiments for grades 3-4. In this series, Mr. Gardner shows real world examples of forensic science at work through simple activities and science project ideas. Just as in many of his books, he uses common materials for the experiments and suggests way to create a unique science fair project. His Team Green Science Projects series will be published by Enslow in 2011. The timely books in this upcoming middle school series all have to do with the environment and "green" technology: water, air, recycling, soil, earth's cycles, and renewable energy. They also provide great ideas for science fair projects and explain the scientific method.
For a complete listing of 2010 SB&F prizewinners: http://www.sbfonline.com/Subaru/Pages/CurrentWinners.aspx
About Enslow Publishers, Inc.:
Enslow Publishers, Inc., is a family-owned company located in Berkeley Heights, New Jersey, that has been publishing quality educational books for young readers for over 30 years. Our titles are curriculum based and include a variety of subjects. We pride ourselves on delivering colorful, high-interest, and informative books printed on recycled paper. "Our goal is to do our part to help young people and the environment, too!" says Mark Enslow, President.
All titles can be ordered directly from the publisher, major book distributors, retail bookstores, and online retailers. You can visit Enslow Publishers on the Internet at www.enslow.com.
February 08, 2010
Danica Patrick to Make NASCAR Debut

Link to Fox News article
We have a great biography on this popular racecar driver:
Millions of sports fans know the name Danica Patrick—even if they've never watched an indy car race before. As a female driver, Patrick has broken ground for her consistent performances behind the wheel. In 2008, she won the Indy Japan 300, becoming the first woman to win in an Indy Car race.
Enslow Publishers ISBN-13: 978-0-7660-3302-3
February 01, 2010
Shaun White Wins Gold at Winter X Games 2010 after bad practice crash!
During a practice run, this multi-sport phenom was attempting a "Double McTwist 1260°" (Yeah, what he said) and, he came up just a little short, slamming his face in the 22' high solid ice Superpipe!
Not to worry, in his first run in the final, he clinched 1st place winning the 2010 Winter X Games Gold in the Men's Snowboard SuperPipe! Next stop, the Winter Olympics in Vancouver. Best of luck Shaun White
January 21, 2010
Enslow author, Linda Bozzo's school visit!

She talked about her life as a nonfiction author and then walked the students through the many steps a book takes before it is placed on the library shelf while touching on different careers in the publishing industry.
Linda shared interesting facts about her series, My First Pet Library from the American Humane Association. She told the students how her father took most of the photos for My First Horse at the equestrian center where her daughter rides horses and that she didn’t write the Spanish text in the bilingual version of the series.
Linda also introduced the student to her two new series that are coming out with Enslow in fall 2010. The first series is Amazing Working Dogs with American Humane. Through photos the students were able to meet each of the dogs featured in this dog hero series while Linda explained how she each met and interviewed each of the handlers. When questioned about how she met the police dog, she which quick to respond that she was not pulled over by the police officer, but instead met him when an injury occurred during softball game and the police were called. In speaking about the Imagining the Future series she talked about what it’s like to research history and what fun it was to imagine what the future might bring.
Linda is currently working on two new books that include jokes and riddles proving there are so many different types of writing that authors do. “Who ever thought I would be writing knock-knock jokes?” she laughed.
The students were anxious to ask questions at the end of the presentation including what her favorite dog breed is and when she started writing. “The students were good listeners and asked great questions making it a successful school visit,” Linda said.
Enslow author Suzanne Lieurance Interview!

on sellingbooks.com. Please click the link above for the full text!
An excerpt from the interview:
What is your most recent book? Tell us a bit about it.
My most recent book is The Lucky Baseball, My Story in a Japanese-American Internment Camp. It’s a middle grade historical novel written for Enslow Publishers Historical Fiction Adventures series. It tells the story of Harry Yakamoto, a little boy who grew up during WWII and was sent, along with his family, to an internment camp – called a relocation center – in the California desert. The book tells of the struggles Harry and his family went through – facing discrimination even before they entered the camp – and how they survived there for over three years and then went on to rebuild their lives after they were released.
January 19, 2010
Follow Enslow on Twitter! @EnslowPub

Today, January 19 to tomorrow January 20th at noon, we are hosting a raffle! Look for details on our tweets!
January 18, 2010
Read about MLK Jr. in NINE Enslow Books!

Celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr., Day
El DÃa de Martin Luther King, Jr.--Honramos a un hombre de paz
Lee sobre Martin Luther King, Jr./Read About Martin Luther King, Jr.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
"We Shall Overcome"
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Man of Peace, Revised Edition
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Champion of Civil Rights
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Revised and Updated
Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historic Site
A MyReportLinks.com Book
Martin Luther King, Jr., Day—Count and Celebrate! |
January 14, 2010
Going to ALA Midwinter? Visit Enslow at Booth 1409!

See our latest titles and learn about what we are up to at Enslow Publishers.
Don't forget to check out our new Spring 2010 E-Catalog! www.ecatalog.enslow.com
January 13, 2010
24 Enslow Books named Science Books & Films Best Books

- Animal Body-Part Regenerators: Growing New Heads, Tails, and Legs
- Animal Chemical Combat: Poisons, Smells, and Slime
- Animal Mimics: Look-Alikes and Copycats
- Animals with Awesome Armor: Shells, Scales, and Exoskeletons
- Animals with Crafty Camouflage: Hiding in Plain Sight
- Animals with Wicked Weapons: Stingers, Barbs, and Quills
- Easy Genius Science Projects with the Human Body: Great Experiments and Ideas
- Easy Genius Science Projects with Weather: Great Experiments and Ideas
- Measuring the Earth: Eratosthenes and His Celestial Geometry
- Carl Linnaeus: Father of Classification, Revised Edition
- Flowers Bloom!:
- People Need Plants!:
- Plants Grow!:
- Plants Live Everywhere!:
- Seeds Sprout!:
- Trees, Weeds, and Vegetables—So Many Kinds of Plants!:
- What Are Forces and Motion?: Exploring Science with Hands-on Activities
- What Is Electricity and Magnetism?: Exploring Science with Hands-on Activities
- What Is Energy?: Exploring Science with Hands-on Activities
- What Is Light?: Exploring Science with Hands-on Activities
- What Is Sound?: Exploring Science with Hands-on Activities
- Who on Earth is Dian Fossey?: Defender of the Mountain Gorillas
The following titles were added to the Science Books & Films Best Books for Junior High and Young Adults 2009 list:
- Easy Genius Science Projects with Chemistry: Great Experiments and Ideas
- Dinosaur Scientist: Careers Digging Up the Past
10 Minutes Can Save You 10% on Enslow Books!
![]() Easy Ways to See Our Books Enslow Spring 2010 E-Catalog New! ![]() E-Catalog is now available online! Our e-catalog uses page-flip technology which makes it fast and easy to use. The search feature is powerful. Many librarians and educators asked us to ‘save a tree’ and put our catalog online, so please try the new Enslow e-catalog and let us know what you think. Click here. Other Ways to Purchase Our Books
Prefer a Print Catalog? Monthly Contest Contact Information Our new e-catalog is easy to use and can be accessed at anytime by simply visiting ecatalog.enslow.com . Remember, schools and libraries receive a 25% discount when ordering directly! Please try the new E-Catalog and check out the "10 Minutes Can Save You 10%" offer. Thank you! Best wishes! |
Wear Blue for the Oceans Today, Wednesday, January 13

For more information, please go to http://wearblueforoceans.org/
There are rallies going on around the country. Don't just wear blue - Share blue! Visit here and see if there's an event in your area: http://action.healthygulf.org/p/salsa/event/common/public/index.sjs?distributed_event_KEY=559
To learn about our NEWEST Enslow title, Top 10 Reasons to Care About Marine Turtles, please visit that link.
January 12, 2010
NSTA Review of "Who On Earth is Dian Fossey?"

An excerpt from the review:
"I would use this book for discussion of many issues, particularly in the middle school grades. I would also use it in the upper elementary grades to research gorillas and for learning about science careers. Fossey was a true defender of the mountain gorillas as well as an example of a helper of wildlife."
To see more information about the book, please visit www.enslow.com
January 11, 2010
Enslow Spring 2010 Paperbacks Press Release!

Box 398, 40 Industrial Road, Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922-0398
Telephone: (908) 771-9400, Fax: (908) 771-0925
Contact: Amy Vida
Phone: 908-771-9400 x 310
Email: amyv@enslow.com
BERKELEY HEIGHTS, NJ, JANUARY 11, 2010—Enslow Publishers is pleased to announce the expansion of its paperback line this spring. Character education, animals, and racing (BMX, dirt bike, snowmobile and speedboats where kids compete) are the topics included in this expansion.
Enslow Publishers, Inc. began its paperback initiative in the spring of 2009. Perfect for classroom use or leisure reading, these quality paperbacks cover a variety of topics for kids of all ages. The series Enslow is putting into paperback this spring are:
Character Education with Super Ben and Molly the Great Grades Pre-K-3
I Like Reading About Animals Grades Pre-K-3
Kid Racers Grades 5–9
“Enslow Publishers is committed to keeping up with new book formats. We are hearing from our customers that paperbacks are becoming more common in school libraries and as classroom collections, so publishing some of our books in paperback seems like a natural progression. Our objective is to make our educational products available to teachers, librarians, and students, in the format that provides students with the most opportunity to learn. Paperbacks can help stretch tight budgets, too,” says Mark Enslow.
Enslow Publishers’ mission has been to provide quality nonfiction series for young readers. Since 1976, our primary principles are that readers and librarians be able to trust our products and that these books satisfy their needs.
January 08, 2010
Congrats Robert Gardner for winning SB&F Prize for Excellence in Science Books

"Robert Gardner is an accomplished, award-winning author of more than 130 science books for young readers. He has devoted much of his life to educating children in all disciplines of science."
Click here to read the full article on Robert Gardner from the AAAS website.
Go to www.enslow.com to see all of his books written for Enslow Publishers!
January 07, 2010
Early American Poetry "Beauty in Words"

An excerpt from the review:
In the introduction, Buckwalter explains: "Poets often see the world differently from most people. Some can see things hidden in the mundane; others scale lofty heights of philosophy. They all take words that capture ideas, feelings, and truth, and arrange them in ways that illuminate those realities." I love this explanation; it's simple, yet profound.
I highly recommend this book for children in the young adult grade levels recommended.
For more information on this book from Enslow, please visit www.enslow.com
January 06, 2010
Review of "Why Are Animals Purple?" on Tools For School blog

An excerpt from the review:
"The copy is large and easy to read and the facts are informative without being too scientifically boring for young kids; kids will actually enjoy learning. All three of my kids enjoyed Why Are Animals Purple? My three-year old loved the pictures, my five-year old loved the ‘cool’ facts (did you know the California Sea Hare squirts purple ink), and my seven-year old loved the additional resources, especially the Internet sites."To see the entire review, please click here Tools For School blog