TEEN SCIENCE FAIR SOURCEBOOK: Winning School Science Fairs and National Competitions, written by Tanya M. Vickers has been published.
Teen Science Fair Sourcebook provides inspiring examples of young scientists who have competed and won national science competitions. The author provides the essential steps for creating a prize-winning project.
Learn how to find a mentor, write a research plan, set up your notebook, and present your data. This book covers all the tips you'll need to create a successful high-powered science fair project, from getting started to competing at a regional or national competition, including the Siemens-Westinghouse.
Author Tanya Vickers is the research coach at the Academy for Math, Engineering and Sciences (AMES), a public high school is Salt Lake City. Her students have competed and won numerous competitions, awards, scholarships, and science trips.
160 pages, full color, ISBN-13: 978-0-7660-2711-4