Thinking about Art Appreciation Month brought back memories of how when my children were young

they spent one week each August with their grandparents on the lake. During this time their grandmother, whose hobby is painting, always included painting projects in their daily activities. They painted rocks and slates that are still displayed in my flower gardens today. They also created many watercolor paintings throughout the week. On the day we would go to pick them up there would be an art show waiting for us. Their masterpieces were carefully propped up around the living room for us to view. Then all of us shopped and purchased the paintings from them for small change.
Tomorrow my youngest daughter leaves for college. We went to the bookstore last night to pick up a few books and magazines she wanted to take with her. She also picked up a new sketchbook and spent some time sketching late into the night. I couldn't help but wonder how much her love for creating art has been influenced by those summer art sessions with grandma.

So, whether it's a sharing a drawing book, purchasing a new box of crayons, pulling out an easel, or a sketchbook, don't forget to celebrate Art Appreciation Month. You never know who you might inspire!