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Showing posts with label ebook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ebook. Show all posts
September 06, 2013
August 19, 2013
Latest Brightstone title is available! Author Interview with Paul B. Thompson
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Author Paul B. Thompson |
Author, Paul B. Thompson began his association with Enslow Publishers in 2007 with a 160-page biography of Joan of Arc. His interest in history forms a link through his body of work for Enslow, including his most recent effort, the fantasy fiction trilogy called "The Brightstone Saga." The first book in this venture -- The Brightworking -- was published this fall to positive reviews. Following up The Brightworking is our January 2013 release of Book II -- The Fortune-Teller. The trilogy's culmination -- The Battle for the Brightstone -- is scheduled for a Fall 2013 release.
We recently spoke with Thompson about his writing, how he approaches his work, and the rewards and challenges he faces as an author of historical fiction and fantasy fiction.
Enslow: What inspires you to write and
Paul: There are several ways to answer this question. For one thing, I
love writing. It's the most satisfying work I've ever done (and I've done a lot
of different things in my life). I am inspired by what I read also. History is
my first and foremost love when it comes to books, and I thrilled to many a
page when I was young. My fiction writing is almost always an adaptation of
history--whether in plot, character, situation, style, or setting. Even my
science fiction and fantasy writing is historically based.
On a more personal level, I am always inspired by wife,
Enslow: Would you say you experience
writer’s block more or less when writing your sorcerer and wizard characters than
with your historical fiction characters?
Paul: Not at all. I have never experienced writer's block. In my view,
sorcerers, wizards, robots, aliens, or any other fantastic character are really
just people under their robes, rivets, or scales. Truly alien or magical
characters would be very difficult to write about or understand, since their
place in reality would be far different than ours. To keep things realistic, a
wizard can be considered the doppelganger of any other driven, powerful type: a
banker, a general, a scientist, et. al.
Enslow: How is your writing process
different for historical fiction books from your fantasy fiction books?
Paul: It's different in a very obvious way. Historical fiction
requires precise research. You need to know names, dates, places, etc. in order
to be historically accurate. And boy, do you hear about it if you're not
accurate! Fantasy fiction only has to be internally consistent. If the hero's
eyes are blue in Chapter 3, they need to be blue in Chapter 11, unless there's
a plot reason they've changed. Readers notice mistakes in fiction too, but
they're less vociferous than history buffs.
Enslow: How is the Brightstone Saga
different from your Dragonlance series? How are they similar?
Paul: Dragonlance was created by other people, and six books were
published before I had a hand in writing any. It was very popular, and still
has a very loyal fan base. Over the years I've gotten a lot of flak about not
cleaving to the holy writ of Dragonlance lore. Some of this criticism was
deserved, but most of it wasn't. Because I did not originate the series, a lot
of fans decided I had no right to change *anything* about the series, even
after I wrote or co-wrote more than a dozen titles in the series. (Do I
sound grumpy about this? I am.) The Brightstone Saga is my story, start to
finish, so this problem of faithfulness does not arise.
Another difference is the 'pitch' of the stories. Dragonlance
was aimed at a general audience, though in fact the majority of Dragonlance
readers are males between 15 and 25. The Brightstone Saga is meant for much
younger readers, and I hope it is enjoyed by boys and girls alike. Dragonlance
had very strict guidelines on the level of sex, violence, occultism, etc., you
could put in, though the enforcement of these guidelines tended to vary with
who was editing you. Because The Brightworking Saga is intended for younger
readers, there's no question of loading it with mature themes and actions.
Similarities between the two series are a medieval setting, the
use of magic, non-human characters, monsters, etc., and a general reliance on
Western traditions of good vs. evil. Both series are youth-oriented. The heroes
tend to be young people, though Mikal and Lyra are actually younger than
typical Dragonlance protagonists, who tend to be past their teens.
Enslow: What types of books have
influenced your writing of fantasy fiction?
Paul: History, surely, particularly ancient history up to the onset of
the Dark Ages--say 4000 BCE to 470 CE. You can see this in the names and
politics of The Brightstone Saga. Mikal's home country, Phalia, is modelled
loosely on medieval Germany. The Florian Empire has aspects of the Roman
Empire, the Byzantine Empire, and the seagoing realms of ancient Greece.
As for fictional influences, I always enjoyed the historical
fantasies of L. Sprague de Camp, Fritz Leiber, and C. L. Moore--de Camp
especially. I stopped reading new science fiction and fantasy some years ago
(busman's holiday), so contemporary writers have not influenced me. There are
other famed fantasists I will not name whom I actively dislike, and
deliberately avoid their work.
When people ask me, what is the best fantasy novel ever written,
my usual answer is THE WANDERING UNICORN by Manuel Mujica-Lainez. A great
Enslow: Where did your idea for Master Harlano,
the evil wizard from the Brightstone Saga, come from? Is he based on anyone you
Paul: I'll take the 5th Amendment on that. I had a supervisor many
years ago who acted like Harlano (smiling when he was about to do something
really unpleasant). He never turned anyone to stone, but he could bore you to
Harlano's politics are old-school, counter-reformation, and
reactionary. There are many examples of this kind of thinking throughout the
history of world, even today.
: What obstacles did you face
creating the imaginary medieval world in the Brightstone Saga?

Enslow: Without giving anything away,
what can readers expect from “The Fortune-Teller” the second book in the
trilogy that’s coming out in January?
Paul: More action! The Brightworking is structured like a mystery--the
main thrust of the plot concerns Mikal's gaining knowledge about magic, Orry,
and the world he lives in. The Fortune-Teller is a chase story. I won't give
away who's chasing whom, but a lot more ground is covered, and some wild new
characters turn up.
Enslow: What specific challenges did you
face while writing “The Battle for the Brightstone” the third and final book in
the Brightstone Saga?
Paul: When writing an epic, it's important to include a human scale,
so things don't become detached and impersonal. Grand forces are at work in
Book III, but I had to keep Mikal and his friends at center stage, so the
readers will know how they feel and what they experience. Empires, lords,
armies and navies clash, but it's a slightly older and wiser Mikal (and
company) who have to come through. Do they save the world? Stay tuned!
We'd like to thank Paul Thompson for taking the time to do this interview.
Anyone who wishes to review The Fortune-Teller may request a complimentary copy by sending an email to customerservice@enslow.com.
The Fortune-Teller and The Brightworking can be purchased directly from Enslow Publishers. The books are also available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Institutional buyers may also purchase them from their preferred vendor.
May 03, 2013
Sunday is Cinco de Mayo – How are you celebrating?
Enslow would like to share two great Cinco de Mayo titles:
Cinco de Mayo–Count and Celebrate!
Students in grades 3–4 can read about the history, customs and practices of Cinco de Mayo with this 48-page book that is available in library binding, paperback, and as an eBook.
Celebrating Cinco de Mayo
How many main colors are there on the Mexican flag? Can you count to ten in Spanish? Learn more in Cinco de Mayo—Count and Celebrate! Students in Grades 1–3 can count people, symbols, and more as you explore and learn about this fascinating holiday.This book is available in library binding.
These books and others in their series can be purchased from Enslow, Barnes and Noble, Amazon,your favorite bookstore, or your preferred vendor.
barnes and noble,
Cinco de Mayo,
classroom books,
library books,
May 5
April 12, 2013
Interview with Author Bonnie Pryor and Special eBook Offer
Bonnie Pryor is the author of several of Enslow's historical fiction books, including the Hannah Pritchard trilogy. She took some time recently to talk to us about how she combines historical facts with her fictional characters.
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Bonnie Pryor |
Enslow: What is your favorite childhood memory about books?
Enslow: How
has your upbringing influenced your writing?
Bonnie: I suppose I had a fairly sheltered childhood
with strict parents, so I have trouble imagining bad characters.
Enslow: When
did your interest in writing historical fiction start?
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Hannah Pritchard: Pirate of the Revolution (Book 1) |
Bonnie: I’ve always enjoyed reading historical
fiction, but, for some reason or other, I didn’t think of it until about
fifteen years ago when an editor (knowing I liked historical fiction) suggested
I try writing some.
Enslow: What
was your biggest challenge when writing The Hannah Pritchard trilogy?
Bonnie: Fitting what was going on in the real world
at that time into my story – for instance, John Paul Jones being in Portsmouth,
NH, and Paul Revere in Boston.
Enslow: What
is your favorite trait of your female pirate character, Hannah Pritchard?
Bonnie: Hannah is strong and independent. She figures
things out and takes care of them on her own.
Enslow: Hannah
finds herself aboard an American privateer ship during the Revolutionary War
and has to hide her female identity to be able to work as a cabin boy. How do
you think this reflects the roles of women during this time period?
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Pirate Hannah Pritchard: Captured (Book 2) |
Bonnie: Except for a few female pirates, who were not
very nice characters, women were considered bad luck on a ship. Although women
worked as hard and as well as men, they were restricted by the society of the
times as to what they could and couldn’t do.
Enslow: Hannah
and her friends must complete some important missions for the Continental navy
and outsmart an enemy pirate in a race to bring home the buried treasure.
What’s your secret to writing fabulous adventures while still referencing real
people and real historical events?
Bonnie: I did a lot of research to get the timelines
correct in my head. The events that were actually happening then were exciting,
so it wasn’t hard to fit them into the story.
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Captain Hannah Pritchard: The Hunt for Pirate Gold (Book 3) |
Enslow: What
do you and Hannah have in common?
Bonnie: Like Hannah, I’m an independent person with a
mind of my own and I’ve always been fairly interested in having adventures.
Enslow: If
you could trade places for a day with one historical character, who would it be
and why?
Bonnie: It would be Margaret Mead. Growing up I
admired her and her amazing adventures as an anthropologist and actually
thought about going into that field.
About the Author:
Bonnie Pryor claims she was ‘born loving books’ and it
certainly seems as if books are the warp and weft upon which the threads of her
life are woven.
Thirty years after the publication of her first book, Grandpa
Bear, she has written and had published a total of
thirty-seven books for children and young adults. Though her first love is
picture books, she has written easy-to-read books, chapter books, mysteries, and
historical fiction. Many of her books have been translated into different
languages and are sold in countries around the world.
–Library Media Connection, March 2008
Consumers can take advantage of a SPECIAL OFFER on the eBook versions of the Hannah Pritchard trilogy from their favorite eBook retailers including Amazon and Kobo. For a limited time, Hannah Pritchard: Pirate of the Revolution (Book 1) is only 99 cents and Pirate Hannah Pritchard: Captured (Book 2) is just $3.49. Captain Hannah Pritchard: The Hunt for Pirate Gold (Book 3) is also available for $7.69.
Consumers can take advantage of a SPECIAL OFFER on the eBook versions of the Hannah Pritchard trilogy from their favorite eBook retailers including Amazon and Kobo. For a limited time, Hannah Pritchard: Pirate of the Revolution (Book 1) is only 99 cents and Pirate Hannah Pritchard: Captured (Book 2) is just $3.49. Captain Hannah Pritchard: The Hunt for Pirate Gold (Book 3) is also available for $7.69.
March 13, 2013
3 Far-Out Facts About the Discovery of Uranus
The planet Uranus was discovered by William Herschel (1738-1822) on March 13th, 1781. To celebrate the anniversary of this incredible event, we're sharing 3 of the most "far-out" facts about Uranus' discovery from Mary Kay Carson's Far-Out Guide to Uranus:
Fact#1: Uranus was the first planet to be "discovered" in any modern sense. Other planets, from Mercury through Saturn, had been observed since ancient times.
Fact# 2: Uranus' Discoverer, William Hershel gave Uranus the Latin name "Georgium Sidus", which means "Georgian Planet." Herschel did this to honor King George III of England, who was Herschel's patron. Uranus was not actually named "Uranus" until 1850.
Fact#3: Herschel first observed Uranus on March 13th, 1781, but it took him many repeated observations to confirm that he was not observing a star or comet.
If you'd like to learn more "far-out" facts about Uranus, check out the book they came from: Far-Out Guide to Uranus from Enslow Publisher's award winning "Far-Out Guide to the Solar System" series.
Far-Out Guide to Uranus is available in Library Edition and Paperback, and in Multi-User PDF eBook!
You can also find Far-Out Guide to Uranus through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and many other booksellers.
Fact#1: Uranus was the first planet to be "discovered" in any modern sense. Other planets, from Mercury through Saturn, had been observed since ancient times.
Fact# 2: Uranus' Discoverer, William Hershel gave Uranus the Latin name "Georgium Sidus", which means "Georgian Planet." Herschel did this to honor King George III of England, who was Herschel's patron. Uranus was not actually named "Uranus" until 1850.
Fact#3: Herschel first observed Uranus on March 13th, 1781, but it took him many repeated observations to confirm that he was not observing a star or comet.
If you'd like to learn more "far-out" facts about Uranus, check out the book they came from: Far-Out Guide to Uranus from Enslow Publisher's award winning "Far-Out Guide to the Solar System" series.
Far-Out Guide to Uranus is available in Library Edition and Paperback, and in Multi-User PDF eBook!
You can also find Far-Out Guide to Uranus through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and many other booksellers.

December 07, 2012
The Cost of Making eBooks (Part 1)
Navigating the eBook Highway |
The Cost of Making eBooks (Part 1)
Hi. I’m the Digital Production Developer at Enslow Publishers. My name is Kurt Weber and I’ve been asked to write up a series of blog entries about the more technical side of eBooks. I'll do my best to not bore you, but I have that affect when I try to talk technical. Or talk anything, really. My position didn't exist before the company’s decision to make eBooks some time ago and it's been an evolutionary process. Prior to this, I spent 10 years as a graphic designer on the Production Department staff. Using desktop software, I was responsible for creating the page and cover layouts of our printed books. Now I am responsible for taking those same layouts and getting them converted into a friendly, eBook format that can be read anywhere in the world.
Since I began this journey well over a year ago, eBooks have broken into the mainstream. As eReader devices become more common, more people are discovering the merits of reading an electronic book. Those same people are just venturing out into the eBook marketplace and many are suffering sticker shock. In that time, I’ve been hearing the same question over and over again, “Why do eBooks cost so much?” Or, more to the point, “Why isn’t every single eBook dirt cheap? There’s no paper, no printing, no warehouse, no trucking, no physical costs at all, so why would an eBook ever be more expensive than a printed book? It’s just an electronic file, like an e-mail, right?”
It is true that there is no physical inventory to deal with, but there are physical expenses. After all, an eBook is still a physical object, albeit a digital one. I’ll go into those physical expenses more a bit later, but just because an eBook can’t be put in a store window or gift wrapped, doesn’t mean that it didn’t take time, effort, and money to create and deliver it to you, the reader. Just because an eBook is an electronic file that CAN be e-mailed around the world in a flash, doesn’t mean that is how we get it to you. Not to get off topic too much, but your email has costs, too. Maybe not to you, but Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft, or more accurately, their advertisers, are paying for your ‘free-mail.’
One idea that my decade of print experience has reinforced, is that it takes a lot of people to make a book. Any book. (Before you jump up and say, “Self-Publish!” please replace the word ‘people’ with the word ‘time’ in the previous statement and any further reference to ‘people’ and ‘staff’ mentioned below.) That reality check will answer the first question:
Since an eBook is always hidden in your reading device, it's easy to forget about the hidden costs to make it! |
Q: Why do eBooks cost so much? (I won’t go into actual dollar figures, but for some relative perspective, see this detailed two-part article.)
A: It takes a lot of people to make an eBook! Many of the same people who spend time making a printed book and getting it to market are now spending time making the eBook and getting it to market.
Before I dissect the issue, let’s assume that the book has already been written and even printed, but is now just being converted into a digital version. That will exclude the normal costs of author advances, editing, fact-checking, proof reading, photo research, securing photos and/or artwork, etc. So my example is really just addressing the argument, “If the printed book is already done and paid for, the only thing left to do is click SEND!” If only.
Let’s take the producers of the actual eBook file:
- There is processing staff that track down and prepare the existing layout files for conversion.
- There is production staff who take the existing layout file and translate it into HTML, XHTML, or XML code, and generate an EPUB file. There are automated programs that do this, but they have often been described as ‘meat-grinders.’ Get the idea?
- There is proofing staff that check for errors, line by line. Yes, we do proofread our eBooks because things do get lost or mixed up in the conversion! They also proof the code.
- Revise, revise, revise.
Already, you can see that a good number of people are involved in making the ‘physical’ eBook. All of this staffing and processing cost time. And as the old adage claims, Time=Money. (Yes, you self-publishers know what I'm talking about now!) I haven’t even gone into the hardware needs for processing and storing all of this digital information. I’ll save that for my next entry.

digital content,
electronic file,
epub file
December 06, 2012
"The United States at War" Titles Now Available as eBooks!
We are excited to announce that our series "The United States at War" has now been added to our growing list of eBooks. They can be purchased from all of your favorite eBook retailers including:
Library editions of "The United States at War" series are available from Enslow Publishers or your preferred vendor.
This series provides an interesting look at American wars through well-researched text, vivid color and black-and-white photographs, and detailed maps. Young readers will not only learn about the important battles and military leaders, but what life was like on the home front for women and children, and the legacy these wars have today.

barnes and noble,
civil war,
digital content,
The United States at War,
world war I,
World War II
December 05, 2012
Historical Fiction Adventures: eBooks Available!
Every book in Enslow's award winning "Historical Fiction Adventures" series is now available as an eBook! "Historical Fiction Adventures" are high-interest, factually accurate short novels about important or infamous events in history. With engaging writing and an extensive section of non-fiction backmatter, each book in "Historical Fiction Adventures" is great for personal or supplemental reading.
You can find "Historical Fiction Adventures" at all of your favorite eBook retailers:
Barnes & Noble
Library and Paperback editions of all "Historical Fiction Adventures" are available from Enslow Publishers or your preferred vendor.
You can find "Historical Fiction Adventures" at all of your favorite eBook retailers:
Barnes & Noble
Library and Paperback editions of all "Historical Fiction Adventures" are available from Enslow Publishers or your preferred vendor.

barnes and noble,
Historical Fiction Adventures,
December 04, 2012
Enslow's "A Champion Sports Stories" Titles Available as E-books
Enslow Publishers' exciting new fiction titles for young readers are now available as e-books! The new offerings include five works in "A Champion Sports Story" grouping. Each book offer fast-paced, action-packed sports stories suitable for Grade 4 reading levels. These high-interest stories embrace uplifting themes such as teamwork, fair play, and sportsmanship. Each book's length, ranging from 104 to 112 pages, makes these engaging stories particularly accessible for reluctant readers.
Purchase these Enslow e-books now from Kobo, Apple, Barnes & Noble, or Amazon.
Library-bound and paperback editions of "A Champion Sports Story" are also available directly from Enslow Publishers or from your preferred vendor.
Purchase these Enslow e-books now from Kobo, Apple, Barnes & Noble, or Amazon.
Library-bound and paperback editions of "A Champion Sports Story" are also available directly from Enslow Publishers or from your preferred vendor.
December 03, 2012
E-books available for purchase
Over the next few days we hope to introduce you to some of our new e-books. We will be adding more to the retailers sites as they are ready.
The Holocaust Through Primary Sources series, targeted toward the middle school reader, captures a variety of major events of the Holocaust, using first-person accounts. Through the words of the victims, bystanders, and perpetrators, individual experiences are told in detail. Unknown as well as well-known Holocaust figures are also looked at.
All six titles in this series (Auschwitz, Kristallnacht, Liberation, Rescuing the Danish Jews, Saving Children from the Holocaust, and The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising) are available through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple, and Kobo.
The library and paperback versions of these titles are also available on enslow.com or through your preferred vendor.
The Holocaust Through Primary Sources series, targeted toward the middle school reader, captures a variety of major events of the Holocaust, using first-person accounts. Through the words of the victims, bystanders, and perpetrators, individual experiences are told in detail. Unknown as well as well-known Holocaust figures are also looked at.
All six titles in this series (Auschwitz, Kristallnacht, Liberation, Rescuing the Danish Jews, Saving Children from the Holocaust, and The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising) are available through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple, and Kobo.
The library and paperback versions of these titles are also available on enslow.com or through your preferred vendor.
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