Going to be in the area of Lincolnville Beach, Maine, this weekend? The Beyond the Sea Book Festival will be taking place Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, July 25-27.
New and secondhand books, as well as jewelry, textiles, food, stationery, home goods, and art, among other things will also be on display and available for purchase.
There are several book festivals taking place this upcoming weekend.
The South Dakota Festival of Books takes place September 20-22. There is an app available which can be found on the website. There are lots of events taking place, some of which require tickets. Some of these ticketed events are free. There will be authors there as well.
The Brooklyn Book Festival is taking place this weekend, with a large celebration on September 22 at Brooklyn Borough Hall. This festival also has an associated app available for download from the website. There are youth and children events taking place as well.
If you are in the area of any of these festivals, make sure to attend!
The above website also has local hotel links. Hopefully there's rooms available!
There's another book festival in Topeka, Kansas this weekend as well. The Kansas Book Festival will be on Saturday, and includes a nice line-up of children's authors!