Women's History Month offers 31 days of opportunity for young readers to explore this important topic. Enslow Publishers offers excellent, age-appropriate informational texts in which strong, interesting women and historical episodes central to women's history figure prominently. Among the many suitable Enslow titles are these three books:
- Amazing Champion of the Earth Rachel Carson -- A 24-page biography of Carson, whose work forms a keystone for environmental awareness. Her life story, as told by author Mary Dodson Wade, is an inspiring one, embracing American history, ecological scholarship, and women's history. The biography, part of Enslow's "Amazing Americans" series, is available from Enslow in a library-bound edition for $15.95; that price represents a 25% school/library discount from Enslow's list price.
- Women of the Civil War Through Primary Sources -- A new, 48-page title that provides essential, yet accessible material on women's key role during the conflict. Well-chosen illustrations and black-and-white photos dovetail with the essential, accessible text. The book, included in Enslow's "The Civil War Through Primary Sources" series, is available for $17.95; that price is a 25% school/library discount from Enslow's list price.
- Toni Morrison: A Biography of a Nobel Prize-Winning Writer -- Author Barbara Kramer's 104-page work provides an insightful, interesting look at Morrison's life and career. The AR 7.4 reading level and useful backmatter make this new title a possible companion for young readers exploring Morrison's fascinating fiction. Kramer's book, part of the "African-American Icons" series, is available from Enslow Publishers for $19.95; that price represents a 25% school/library discount from Enslow's list price.
These books are also available from your preferred vendor, Barnes and Noble, and Amazon.