Showing posts with label Using Technology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Using Technology. Show all posts

October 06, 2011

Enslow Salutes Steve Jobs

All of us at Enslow note with sadness the passing of Steve Jobs. As with many people around the world, Jobs' products and creative zeal touched us and continue to impact our work. We thought his life was so intriguing that, a decade ago, we published his biography. This age-appropriate narrative, relating Jobs' innovative talent and entrepreneurial drive, was welcomed by librarians and teachers. (Thank you!)

Library ISBN: 978-0-7660-3441-9
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-59845-728-5
We're proud of our Jobs biography, which has neatly fit into the forward-looking titles we have published over three decades for young readers. Enslow continues to provide reliable, well-edited books on the people and trends that shape today's society and tomorrow's leaders. Books on industry giants such as Bill Gates are included among our middle school selections. (Gates, in his blog The Gates Notes, writes a brief, moving tribute to Jobs.) A new Enslow book, Using Technology: A How-To Guide by Sherri Mabry Gordon, explores core issues young readers face in this new, data-driven world. For elementary school students, our Ace Your Oral or Multimedia Presentation title introduces readers in ways to use the very machines Steve Jobs created to communicate and learn in new, exciting ways.

If you're planning an activity or display on Steve Jobs and the spirit of American innovation, Enslow has the books you'll need. Call us or e-mail us today for money-saving offers on these and other Enslow books!

September 30, 2011

Important Teen Guides

Enslow's new series, Life–A How-to Guide is a 7-book series for teens about a variety of issues that they face in their everyday lives. Whether you have a teen who is getting ready to driving or driving already, our Getting Read to Drive: A How-to Guide is great for research or personal use. Driving can play a pivotal role in a young person's life. It represents freedom but it also requires responsibility. From deciding if you're ready to drive, to the rules and safety, this book is a comprehensive guide for young drivers and their parents.

Technology has become so integrated into the life of today’s teenager that it is changing the way the American family communicates.  That's why we felt that Using Technology: A How-to Guide was an important book to include in this series. From cell phone etiquette, to texting, playing games, and listening to music, this title explores different forms of technology and how it affects our lives, and most importantly, how kids can stay safe using it.