The Secret of the Manhattan Project, which received a starred Booklist review, is one of the six works in the"Stories in American History" series. |
Enslow's "
Stories in American History" series has been included on
Booklist's "Top 10 Series Nonfiction" list. The six titles in this Enslow series, suitable for middle school readers, highlight defining moments in our nation's experience. Each of the series' 128-page books provide the solid text, excellent maps and illustrations, and strong back matter characteristic librarians and teachers expect from Enslow. The books are also are correlated to national and state Common Core College and Career Ready Standards (CCSS).
Each title in "Stories in American History" is available in a library-bound edition directly from Enslow Publishers for $23.95; that price represents a 25% discount from Enslow's list price. Paperback editions are also available for $9.95 from Enslow. You may also order the books from your preferred vendor, Barnes and Noble, or Amazon.