Each title focuses on exotic creatures, their natural habitat, and their suitability for domestic life. The animals considered in this six-book series form are certain to catch a young reader's attention. The subjects range from tropical snakes to charming miniature horses. One popular title -- Hairless Dogs -- discusses the history of these canines and explains the special care they require.
The series' authors -- Alvin and Virginia Silverstein and Laura Silverstein Nunn -- bring decades of sound, appealing science writing experience. Each title also comes with plenty of color photographs, adding another "way in" for young readers to enjoy their book. For further reference, each book includes a further reading section and selected Internet links.
These 48-page, library-bound books are available directly from Enslow Publishers to schools and libraries for $17.95 per book -- a 25% discount from Enslow's list price for these titles!