Showing posts with label LA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LA. Show all posts

May 18, 2009

Earthquake in LA: Learn about this natural disaster!

Last night, a mini earthquake hit LA; "measuring 4.7 on the Richter scale this morning, shattering glass, setting off alarms and fraying nerves."

Unfortunately, scientists still have no way of predicting earth-shaking disasters but there is always ways to learn more! Enslow Publishers, Inc has come out with 3 new titles in the Fall for the new series "The Science Behind Natural Disasters."
  • Earthquakes: The Science Behind Seismic Shocks and Tsumanis
  • Floods: The Science Behind Raging Waters and Mudslides

  • Hurricanes: The Science Behind Killer Storms

For more information on these titles, please visit