Showing posts with label American Red Cross. Show all posts
Showing posts with label American Red Cross. Show all posts

May 22, 2013

Enslow Books Explore Life of American Red Cross Founder Clara Barton

The past two years have seen a parade of occasions marking the 150th anniversary of various American Civil War events. Among the most beneficial, long lasting developments to emerge from the conflict was the establishment of the American Red Cross. The person principally responsible for that was Clara Barton. Her accomplishments, managed in the context of a male-dominant society and set during and after a bloody, divisive war, are relayed in Enslow Publishers' Clara Barton: "Face Danger But Never Fear It". Author Don Nardo's 128-page biography guides young readers through Barton's lifetime of commitment, her successes and challenges, and her impact on her generation.

The book, part of Enslow's "Americans--The Spirit of a Nation" series, is available in a library-bound edition for $23.95. That price represents a 25% school/library discount from Enslow's list price. The book is also available from your preferred vendor, Barnes and Noble, and Amazon.

Meanwhile, for younger readers, Enslow's Amazing Civil War Nurse Clara Barton provides a well-written, thoughtfully illustrated presentation of this unique figure. Author Mary Dodson Wade's 24-page, AR 3.3 work, part of the "Amazing Americans" series, is available in paperback from Enslow Publishers for $6.95.

Amazing Civil War Nurse Clara Barton is also available as a multi-use e-book.

May 21, 2010

On this day in history

Clara Barton founded the American Red Cross.

Known as "the Angel of the Battlefield" during the American Civil War, author Mary Dodson Wade explores the life of Clara Barton in this biography for beginning readers. Read about Barton's early jobs as a teacher and in a government office, and how she created the American Red Cross.

For middle school readers, Don Nardo explores the life of Clara Barton, from her days as a ground-breaking teacher to her creation of the American Red Cross.