The Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education just released the latest Math scores for the nation showing 4th graders have made no progress in math since 2007. The report can be found here: http://nationsreportcard.gov/math_2009/.
We'd like to suggest that you try fun math trade books in your school or library. Our new series: I Like Money Math! aims to keep elementary-level students engaged, while teaching them how to add, subtract, count, identify, and solve money world problems. The series is newly published and written by author Rebecca Wingard-Nelson. Ms. Wingard-Nelson is a mathematics educator and has developed and written state assessment test and exams.
Each title is available in a library-bound edition or in paperback. Free eownloadable worksheets for each title can be found at the series link (click on title above). These books can be used as a teaching tool for kids that are learning about money for the first time or used as a remedial tool for kids that need extra help with math. Titles in the series are:
I Can Add Bills and Coins. ISBN: 978-0-7660-3143-2
I Can Subtract Bills and Coins. ISBN 978-0-7660-3144-9
I Can Count Money. ISBN 978-0-7660-3142-5
I Can Name Bills and Coins. ISBN 978-0-7660-3140-1
How Many Pennies Make a Dollar? ISBN 978-0-7660-3141-8
I Can Do Money Word Problems. ISBN 978-0-7660-3145-6
If you would like to learn more, please visit our web site: http://www.enslow.com/
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