June 11, 2009

Booklist review of Frederick Douglass, "Truth is of No Color"

Reviewer, Gillian Engberg, discusses Frederick Douglass, "Truth is of No Color" in the June 1 issue of Booklist.

"From the opening, heart-pounding scenes of Frederick Douglass’ flight to freedom to his childhood, spent in slavery, and his history-making adult life, this entry in Americans—The Spirit of a Nation series is an engaging introduction to the famous abolitionist. Well-sourced excerpts, including many passages from Douglass’ own writings, and vivid description enliven the text, which also includes sidebars focused on related historical figures and events."

Enslow Publishers, 128 pgs, grades 5 and up, full color, ISBN: 978-0-7660-3025-1

For more information on this title, please visit http://www.enslow.com/displayitem.asp?type=1&item=2637

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